Quality and energy management

Our quality and energy policy

The topics of energy and quality management occupy a very high position in our company.


We have already introduced a quality management system in accordance with EN ISO 9001:2015 and an energy management system in accordance with EN ISO 50001:2018 since 2019. In doing so, we ensure that all requirements of these standards are implemented correctly and that the processes within these management systems are continuously improved.


We are proud of what we have achieved so far: Our complaint rate is below 5% and our energy costs are around 1% of our turnover. In addition, we are addressing our CO₂ footprint and are already implementing initial savings. For example, we already use green electricity from alternative energies at both locations and use heat pumps for heating in Simonswald.


We aim:

  • to improve the overall performance of our company;
  • to continuously increase the quality of our organisation, products and services;
  • to steer our processes transparently in order to achieve a better understanding of our organisation;
  • to use our resources efficiently;
  • to reduce our energy consumption in the long term;
  • to constantly rise our energy efficiency
  • and thereby to improve our customer satisfaction overall.

Furthermore, we guarantee that:

  • the necessary financial and structural conditions are ensured;
  • all employees are integrated in the implementation and execution of the management systems and responsibilities are defined;
  • relevant legal and other requirements are taken into account;
  • an annual assessment of the management systems is carried out;
  • when purchasing products and services, their impact on energy-related performance is reviewed with the aim of reducing it;
  • the results are measured and verified by regular audits.

WAFIOS quality principles

WAFIOS qualtity principles
Our guidelines for quality and innovation 



Am Häuslerain 16 
79263 Simonswald, Germany

Telefon +49 (0) 76 83 / 91 900 - 0 
Telefax +49 (0) 76 83 / 91 900 - 29 


Im Dürstborne 15
99510 Apolda, Germany



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